Test / Exam Prep

Ace your exams and unleash your potential with our test preparation services. Success begins with thorough preparation, especially for entrance exams in Abu Dhabi.

Entrance Exam Preparation in Abu Dhabi


Success begins with preparation. Our comprehensive test prep services are designed to boost your confidence and scores in standardized tests. From SAT and ACT to GRE and GMAT, we provide the tools, strategies and support you need to excel academically.


Students kickstart their journey with a diagnostic exam to pinpoint areas for improvement. Our robust skill-building curriculum and online platform cater to the unique needs of students preparing for entrance exams in Abu Dhabi. Expert coaches provide personalized guidance and test-taking strategies to ensure student success.

At Mind Base,
We Offer

  1. Diagnostic Tests
  2. Customized Plan
  3. Proven Curriculum
  4. Expert Coaches
Entrance exam preparation
Entrance exam preparation

Omar Sami Aljasmi

Our Student

“Mr. Jeffrey was very helpful and understanding. He would answer all my questions and subtly help us change our way of thinking by using examples and questions.”


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